Monday, May 11, 2009

What’s in your air freshener? A scary thought, eh? Many of us use these on a regular basis without ever thinking about what all those chemicals in that spray can are really doing to our air and our bodies.
You wouldn’t knowingly eat a dangerous substance, so why would you want to breathe one in?
Found in 86% of commercially available air fresheners tested, phthalates help air-freshener and perfume droplets stay suspended in air. They are also used as softening agents in everything from lotion to nail polish to plastic toys. Unfortunately, phthalates are suspected endocrine disruptors that have been linked to the abnormal development of male reproductive systems.
Some of the worst offenders are air fresheners, nail polish, conventional cosmetics, perfume and soft-plastic products (like teething rings).
Really, it’s best to avoid them altogether if you can, by choosing Shaklee products it is a start.

While phthalates have a lot of uses, and are found in so many consumer products, it’s just not worth the risk. They are only rarely included in ingredients lists, so this creates a buyer-beware situation in which you can’t assume that products have been regulated and tested for safety. Do your homework and invest in all-natural alternatives.

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